Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Pedigree Database

Waterways Hurricane Abigail
Photo of Dog:
Dog's Prefix Title(s): CH
Dog's Registered Name: Waterways Hurricane Abigail
Dog's Suffix Title(s):
Sire's Registered Name: Chesany's Sumerduck Tomahawk
Dam's Registered Name: Southern Md's Katch My Drift
Pet Name: AbbyWingus
Sex: Female
Status: Entire
Breed: Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Color: Light Brown
Inbeeding Co-efficient (COI): 5.0%
Birth Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2001/05/06
Date of Death (yyyy/mm/dd):
Primary Registration Agency: AKC
Primary Registration Number: SN83921704
Alternate Registration Agency:
Alternate Registration Number:
Stud Book Number (mm-yyyy):
Microchip Number: 43094A0404
Tattoo Number:
Tattoo Location:
OFA Number: CB-7569G29F-PI
CERF Number: CB-4685/2004--33
Hip Score: good
Elbow Score: normal
DNA Profile:
Vaccines: Yearly
Diet: Kibble / Pellets
Notes: all around abilities--has worked in obedience, agility, retrieving currently in AKC classes and jumping in
Last Update:

Breeder Contact Information
Breeder #1 Breeder #2 Breeder #3

Owner Contact Information
Owner #1 Owner #2 Owner #3

Title Reference
Prefix Titles Suffix Titles
AFC - Amateur Field Champion
CH - Champion
CT - Champion Tracker
DC - Dual Champ (CH & FC)
FC - Field Champion (Field Trial/Lure Coursing)
HC - Herding Champion
MACH - Master Agility Champion
NAFC - National Amateur Field Champion
NFC - National Field Champion
OTCH - Obedience Trial Champion
TC - Triple Champ (CH, FC & OTCH)
AJP - Excellent Jumpers With Weaves "A" Preferred
AX - Agility Excellent
AXJ - Excellent Jumpers With Weaves
AXP - Agility Excellent "A" Preferred
CD - Companion Dog
CDX - Companion Dog Excellent
CNMH - Canadian National Master Hunter
HI - Herding Intermediate
HS - Herding Started
HT - Herding Tested
HX - Herding Excellent
JC - Junior Courser
JE - Junior Earthdog
JH - Junior Hunter
MC - Master Courser
ME - Master Earthdog
MH - Master Hunter
MJP - Master Excellent Jumpers With Weaves "B" Preferred
MX - Master Agility
MXJ - Master Excellent Jumpers With Weaves
MXP - Master Agility Excellent "B" Preferred
NA - Novice Agility
NAJ - Novice Jumpers With Weaves
NAP - Novice Agility Preferred
NJP - Novice Jumpers With Weaves Preferred
OA - Open Agility
OAJ - Open Jumpers With Weaves
OAP - Open Agility Preferred
OJP - Open Jumpers With Weaves Preferred
PT - Pre-Trial Tested
SC - Senior Courser
SE - Senior Earthdog
SH - Senior Hunter
TD - Tracking Dog
TDX - Tracking Dog Excellent
UD - Utility Dog
UDX - Utility Dog Excellent
VST - Variable Surface Tracker