Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Pedigree Database

This form can be used to submit a new dog to the database or modify an existing entry. If you're updating an existing record, simply enter the information that has changed - the original record information will be kept unless it's over-ridden here.

PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT A DOG UNTIL IT HAS BEEN OFFICIALLY REGISTERED. Enter as much of information as you can, but do not take any guesses - enter only what you know is accurate. Use the notes box for additional information that you would like to include.

If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this form, please by e-mail.

Contact Information
Your First and Last Names: *
Your e-Mail Address: *
Your Relationship to THIS Dog: *
Dog's Information
Photo of Dog:
Dog's Prefix Title(s):
Dog's Registered Name (no Titles): *
Dog's Suffix Title(s):
Sire's Registered Name (no Titles): *
Dam's Registered Name (no Titles): *
Pet Name:
Sex: *
Breed: Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Birth Date (yyyy/mm/dd): //
Date of Death (yyyy/mm/dd): //
Primary Registration Agency:
Primary Registration Number:
Alternate Registration Agency:
Alternate Registration Number:
Stud Book Number (mm-yyyy):
Microchip Number:
Tattoo Number:
Tattoo Location:
OFA Number:
CERF Number:
Hip Score:
Elbow Score:
DNA Profile:
Notes: These notes are saved in the dog's record and may be re-edited in the future.
Breeder #1:
Breeder #2:
Breeder #3:
Owner #1:
Owner #2:
Owner #3:

Recognized Titles
Prefix Titles Suffix Titles
AFC - Amateur Field Champion
CH - Champion
CT - Champion Tracker
DC - Dual Champ (CH & FC)
FC - Field Champion (Field Trial/Lure Coursing)
HC - Herding Champion
MACH - Master Agility Champion
NAFC - National Amateur Field Champion
NFC - National Field Champion
OTCH - Obedience Trial Champion
TC - Triple Champ (CH, FC & OTCH)
AJP - Excellent Jumpers With Weaves "A" Preferred
AX - Agility Excellent
AXJ - Excellent Jumpers With Weaves
AXP - Agility Excellent "A" Preferred
CD - Companion Dog
CDX - Companion Dog Excellent
CNMH - Canadian National Master Hunter
HI - Herding Intermediate
HS - Herding Started
HT - Herding Tested
HX - Herding Excellent
JC - Junior Courser
JE - Junior Earthdog
JH - Junior Hunter
MC - Master Courser
ME - Master Earthdog
MH - Master Hunter
MJP - Master Excellent Jumpers With Weaves "B" Preferred
MX - Master Agility
MXJ - Master Excellent Jumpers With Weaves
MXP - Master Agility Excellent "B" Preferred
NA - Novice Agility
NAJ - Novice Jumpers With Weaves
NAP - Novice Agility Preferred
NJP - Novice Jumpers With Weaves Preferred
OA - Open Agility
OAJ - Open Jumpers With Weaves
OAP - Open Agility Preferred
OJP - Open Jumpers With Weaves Preferred
PT - Pre-Trial Tested
SC - Senior Courser
SE - Senior Earthdog
SH - Senior Hunter
TD - Tracking Dog
TDX - Tracking Dog Excellent
UD - Utility Dog
UDX - Utility Dog Excellent
VST - Variable Surface Tracker