Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Pedigree Database


Are you absolutely sure the dog you're submitting is not already in our database? Use the search form to make sure. If you find the dog, you can click the [Update] link to review and change the dog's existing database record. The update form is identical to the submission form, except that you'll start with some pre-existing database information.

Have you also searched for the dog's Sire and Dam? If one or both is not already in our database, you should submit them before-hand -- this will minimize the potential for errors.

If you're submitting a dog from the late 1800s or early 1900s, and don't have all the required information for the submission form (like the Sire and Dam), then it's best to .

And lastly, if you're absolutely sure the dog is not listed in our database, start with a blank submission form.